Our Beliefs

Confession of Faith and Practice
By the Brotherhood at Harmony Christian Fellowship

1) The Bible
We believe and confess that:
A. The Bible is the Word of GOD. John 1:1
B. Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh who dwelt among us. John 1:14
C. Holy men wrote the Bible as they were directed by the Spirit of God. 2 Pet. 1:20-21, Acts 28:25,
D. The Bible is written without error. John 17:17
E. The Bible is a revelation of God’s will. I Thes. 2:13,
F. All scripture is profitable to the believer when it is “rightly divided” and applied. 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Gal. 1:8-9, Rev. 22:18-20; II Timothy 2:15

2) The Trinity
We believe and confess that there is only one God and that He is expressed in three distinct Persons. Deut. 6:4, Matt. 28:20, Matt. 3:16-17, Genesis 1:26, 1 Peter 1:2, Rom. 8:8-15, I Timothy 3:16, Luke 3:21-22,
A. God the Father. Psalms 89:26, Rom. 1:7, John 6:27
B. God the Son. John 1:29-34, John 5:18, I Cor. 8:6; II Cor.1:2-3
C. God the Holy Spirit. 2 Corinthian 13:14

3) God the Father—Creator God
We believe and confess that:
A. God is eternal, having neither beginning nor end. Psalms 90:2, Rev.1:8, Deut. 33:27.
B. God is Holy, therefore He cannot tolerate sin. Deut. 25:16, 1 Peter 1:15-16
C. God, in the first six literal days, created heaven, earth, and all things seen and unseen. Genesis 1, Psalms 33:6-9, Isaiah 42:5.
D. God created us and established right and wrong. Gen. 1-3
E. God sustains the earth. Col.1:16-17
F. God will judge and destroy the earth on the last day. 2 Peter 3:7-10.
G. God will judge every person. Rev. 20:12
H. God deeply loves every person and longs to deliver every person from sin. John 3:16
4) Jesus Christ the Son
We believe and confess that:
A. Jesus Christ came to this earth as God in the flesh. John 1:1-3, Isa. 44:6, John 8:56-59; 17:5; Isaiah 9:6
B. Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the virgin womb of Mary. Isa. 7:14, Matt. 1:23, Luke 1:26-35.
C. Jesus Christ, both human and divine, hung on the cross and suffered in the flesh for our sins. Matt. 22:41-46, John 17:5
D. Jesus Christ came to be the perfect Sacrifice as payment for our sins. Ex.12:5-7, Lev. 22:21, Isa. 53:1-10, John 1:29
E. Jesus Christ suffered, died, was buried, and rose again from the dead on the third day. He will never die, but lives forever. 1 Cor.15:1-8, Rev.1:17-18
F. Jesus Christ ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of God where He makes intercession for believers day and night. Romans 8:34, Heb.7:25
G. Jesus Christ will come again in the clouds to deliver us from this world and take us to heaven. 1 Thes.4:13-18
5) The Holy Ghost
We believe and confess that:
A. The Holy Ghost is the third Person of the Trinity. Rom. 8:5-11, Acts 5:1-4; I John 5:7
B. The Holy Ghost was One with the Father and the Son in Creation. Gen. 1:1-2
C. The Holy Ghost convinces the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Acts 2:37; John 16:7,8; Acts 24:25
D. The Holy Ghost comforts believers, guides them into all truth, empowers them for service, and enables them to live a godly life. Acts 1:8, II Cor. 3:3,17, John 16:13, Rom. 8:1-4
E. The Holy Ghost gives guidance and equips the New Testament church. Acts 13:1-3, Rom. 12:6-8, 1 Cor. 12:4-12
F. The Holy Ghost gives valid gifts for the purpose of edifying the church. We do, however, recognize the possibility of counterfeit gifts. 1 Cor.12:1-12

6) The Fall of Man.
We believe and confess that:
A. Man was created in the image of God. Gen.1:26, 27:
B. Man was pure, perfect, and had eternal life. Genesis 1:28; 2:7
C. Man chose to follow Satan, disobey God, and thus entered death. Genesis 2:16,17; 3:1-6; 16-19
D. All men have sinned. Rom 3:23
E. Death was immediate in the Spirit of man and eventual in his flesh. Gen. 2:17; Genesis 3:19; Romans 6:23
F. All children born to Adam and Eve also have the seed of sin in their hearts. Gen. 4:1&4-6
G. No man is perfect, pure, or holy from his birth. Rom. 3:10-23
H. All people need someone to make peace with God for them. Rom. 5:1

7) Satan.
We believe and confess that:
A. Satan is a being created by God. Ez.28:12-17, Job 1:6, 2:1
B. Satan was a high angel of praise called Lucifer. Jealousy, rebellion, and pride caused him to fall from his heavenly place. Isa. 14:12-15
C. One third of all the angels entered into Satan’s rebellion and are now demons in his kingdom. Rev. 12:4-9
D. Satan is a murderer, liar, and the leader of all deception. John 8:44, Rev.12:9
E. We all become a part of his kingdom by choosing to sin. John 8:34, 39-41, 44-47
F. Without someone to deliver us from Satan’s powerful kingdom, we will die in his kingdom and in his service and will receive the same end — eternal death. Matt. 25:41, Rom. 6:23, John 8:23-24, Rev.13
G. Deliverance and authority over Satan are only possible through the precious name of Jesus Christ. Col. 2:14, 15, Mark 9:20-27, Acts 16:16-18
H. If we stand by faith in Jesus Christ, His perfect love casts out all fear of Satan, our former king, and his kingdom. I John 4:18; Eph.6:10-18
I. We renounce all allegiance with Satan, his kingdom, his demons, and his power. This includes witchcraft, charms, divination, fortune telling, mystical healings, and calling upon the dead. Deut. 18:9-12; Gal.5:20
J. We offer Satan no sacrifices, no worship, and no fear. Jesus’ death has canceled all debts to him. I Pet. 5:8,9; II Cor. 10:3-5 
8) Heaven and Hell
We believe and confess that:
A. There is life after death. Our soul and spirit live forever. Eccl.12:7, Matt.22:29-32, John 11:26, 2 Cor. 5:1
B. Heaven is a real place which God has made for all who have trusted Him unto death. I Pet.1:4, Matt.5:12
C. Heaven is a beautiful place of no hunger, no sorrow, no pain, no sickness, and no death. There is only peace, joy, comfort, and contentment forever and ever. Rev.21 & 22, Luke 23:43, Rev.7:17; John 14:1-2
D. Hell, or the lake of fire, is a real place. Matt.10:28, 25:46, Rev.21:8
E. God made Hell for Satan and his demons as their dwelling forever and ever. All men and women who do not receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and do not have confidence in Jesus will
join Satan and his demons in Hell forever. Rev.14:11, Matt. 25:41
F. Hell is an awful place of torment, torture, pain, sorrow, and death that can never end. The flames of that place never go out and the worm never dies. There will be weeping and gnashing
of teeth. Mark 9:43-48; Matt.13:50; Rev.14:11
G. There will be no goodness, grace, mercy, or anything God-like in that place. Luke 16:22-25
H. Once a soul has gone there, he shall never be able to leave. Luke 16: 26-31

9) Salvation, Redemption, Justification, and Repentance
We believe and confess that:
A. All who put their faith and confidence in Jesus Christ shall be saved. John 3:16-17, 1 Cor.15:1-3
B. Jesus is the One who made the sacrifice that is acceptable to God the Father. Heb. 9:22-28; 13:12
C. Man must respond with faith in the sacrifice of Christ. Rom.4:3, 5:12
D. Our faith leads us to repent of our sinful life.
Repentance includes:
1. Godly sorrow. 2 Cor. 7:10-11
2. Hatred for former sins. Isa. 55:7, Rom.6:1-6
3. Confession of sins. I John.1:9
4. Seeking for deliverance and victory. Titus 2:11, 12
E. Faith causes us believers to respond with deep love, appreciation, and obedience to Jesus

Christ who loves us and gave himself for us. John.14:21-24, I John.3:24
1. For those who come to God this way, God forgives and blots out the remembrance of all their sins through Jesus blood. Isa. 43:25, Acts 3:19
2. All who try to come to God by any way other than through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ cannot enter heaven. They will be accounted as thieves and robbers. John 10:1

10) Sanctification and Assurance of Believers
We believe and confess that:
A. God’s Holy Spirit comes into the heart of every true believer at Salvation. Rom.8:9
B. The believer is blessed with the assurance that:
      1. His sins are forgiven. I John 1:9
      2. God has adopted him as His child. John 1:11-12, Rom. 8:14-17, Gal.4:6 3. God’s love for him is very real. 1 John 3:1-3
C. The Spirit of God works in our hearts to:
      1. Cleanse and activate our conscience. Heb.9:14, Rom.9:1
      2. Purify the heart, thoughts, attitudes, motives, words, and deeds. Ez.36:27
      3. Cleanse us from the inside out. 1 Cor. 3:16
      4. Inspire us as we feed on His Word. John 14:26; John 17:17
D. Sanctification begins when we are saved and continues through life as we follow Him as our Lord. 1 Pet.1:2
E. The Holy Spirit does not posses us like a demon. He never forces us to do anything against our will. 1 Cor. 14:32, 33, 40, Eph. 4:30, 1 Thes.5:19
F. We grow in the grace of God according to our willingness to submit to God the Holy Spirit. I Tim. 2:21; Zec.4:6; 2 Cor. 7:1; I John 4:4-6
G. We must daily choose to continue walking in the commandments of Christ, who will keep us from falling into sin and present us with all our sins forgiven before God’s throne. Jude 24, 1 John 3:14; Gal. 3:11; John 8:31-32, 2 Pet. 1:5-11

11) The Kingdom of Jesus Christ
We believe and confess that the kingdom of God, or Christ, is a spiritual kingdom and stands in contrast to the kingdoms of the world. Mark 9:1 In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ taught his standard of holiness for His kingdom. Matt. 5, 6 -7, As citizens, then, of His kingdom, we believe and confess that:
A. Our King calls us to be committed to the interests of His kingdom.
     1. Jesus Christ calls for our allegiance above all else. He is King of kings. Matt.28:18-20, Col.3:17
      2. We do not involve ourselves in earthly governments and political parties. 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Eph.5:8-12
      3. We do not participate in wars but rather love our enemies. John 18:36; Matt.5:38-48
      4. We do not wear any military uniform nor salute any flag because our kingdom knows no flag, uniform, or political boundaries. I Thes.5:22, 23, Acts 1:6-8
      5. We do not join organizations, clubs, or the like that would unequally yoke us with unbelievers. 1 Cor. 6:14-18, Eph.5:8-12
      6. We are careful in the choice of an occupation that will glorify God. Eph.4:28
B. Our King asks us to respond with suffering love to our enemies. (See Romans 12)
      1. Not seeking revenge, but trusting God. Romans 12:19
      2. Blessing those who curse us. Matt.5:44, Rom.12:14
      3. Doing good to those who abuse us. Rom.12:20-21
      4. Not going to law to demand rights. Matt.5:39-41, 1 Cor. 6:1
C. Our King is the God of truth.
      1. We must be honest. Eph.4:25, Psa. 101:7, Prov. 12:22
      2. We must let our yes be yes and our no be no. Matt.5:37
      3. We affirm to tell the truth at all times. We do not take oaths or swear to tell the truth because our king commands us not to do so. Matt. 5:33-36, Jas. 5:12
      4. We must each evaluate our words before God because each one must give an account of his words. Matt.12:36
D. Our King has promised to provide for our needs. Phil. 4:19, Luke 12:30-33
      1. We should not expect the government to care for us in sickness or old age. Acts 4:32, I Pet.5:7
      2. We should not trust in insurance companies to meet our needs. II Cor. 8:13-15, Matt. 6:25-34
      3. We each help bear one another’s burdens Gal.6:2, I Cor. 16:1,2
      4. We strive to care for the needy as though they were Christ himself. Matt. 25:31-46

12) Discipleship
We believe and confess that every born again believer is a disciple of Jesus Christ. John.8:31, 32 Therefore:
A. We must take up our cross and follow Jesus. We are consistently learning to yield our lives to Jesus in loving obedience. Gal.2:20, 21, Matt. 16:24
B. We should live in this world as strangers, looking for our home in heaven. Hebrews 11:13-16
C. All that we are and have belongs to Christ. Family ties, possessions, all personal dreams and purposes, and even our whole lives are subject to our Master. Luke 14:33
D. Rather than accumulate wealth, personal luxuries, and securities, we rather choose to give where there is need in the kingdom. Matt. 6:25-34, Eph. 4:28

13) Evangelism
We believe the call to go into the entire world and make disciples is a valid command from our King throughout this age. Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 5:32
A. All Christians are privileged to tell the Good News to others both near and far. Psa. 126:6, Mark 16:15, Acts 8:4
B. When converts are made, the ordained leadership will oversee the ordinance of baptism. (elder, deacon, or evangelist). 1 Pet. 5:1, 2
C. The many gifts within the brotherhood are to be exercised in “teaching them all things, whatsoever I have commanded you.” Eph. 4-11-13

14) Christian Appearance
We believe and confess that God gave the first durable clothing, so we seek guidance from God and His Word on this subject. Genesis 3:21
A. Clothing for both brothers and sisters will be modest, covering and hiding the human form. I Tim. 2:8, 9 notice also: Rev. 1:13 and Mark 16:5
B. Clothing and personal appearance will clearly distinguish between man and woman. Mark 10:6, 1 Cor. 6:9, 1 Cor. 11:4-5, 
C. Clothing will be simple and free of pride and ornamentation. 2 Cor. 1:12, I Pet. 3:3-4, I John 2:16 see also, Isa. 3:16-24
D. As believers, we will not wear gold, pearls, or costly array. 1 Tim. 2:9. We believe outward adorning detracts from the inner beauty of Christ’s presence. Notice the attire of the harlot
and the rich man in Rev. 17:4 and Luke 16:19.
E. We do not follow the changing fads and fashions of the world for they are vanity. I Thes. 5:22, Titus 2:11, 12, 1 Pet. 1:14
F. Brothers will be free from the shame of long hair, and sisters from the shame of shorn hair. Sisters will conceal their “glory” (hair) under a covering. 1 Cor. 11:14, 15
G. As we choose godly clothing we need to ask:
      1. Is it durable?
      2. Does it hide my body well?
      3. Is it economical?
      4. Does it appear neat and simple?

15) Christian Experience.
We believe and confess that the Christian experience begins with a decision, but that it only continues in the life of one who maintains his relationship with God. (See: John 4:23-24) The Christian experience is fellowship with our Father in heaven by:
A. Prayer both private and public.Col.3:17; I Thes.5:17
B. Reading, studying, and meditating on God’s Word.
C. Hearing and memorizing the Bible helping us to hide God’s Word in our hearts. Psalms 119:11
D. Fasting. Matt. 6:16-18
E. Serving others (alms). Matt. 6:1-4
F. Singing with the whole heart unto God. Col.3:16
G. Living a holy life before God and one’s fellow men. Gal.5:22-24, Heb.11:5; Romans 8:4
H. Keeping a clear conscience. 1 Tim.1:5, 2 Corinthians 3:18; Acts 24:16,
I. Making honest confessions to God and to others. I Pet.3:16; James 5:16

16) Christian Home
We believe and confess the importance of a godly home for teaching faith, love, and moral purity. God has established order for our homes in Eph. 5:18 -6:4
A. The father is the head of the home
      1. He is responsible for direction and oversight. Genesis 18:19

      2. He is to be an example of faith, love, and purity. I Thes.4:1; Eph.6:4; Heb.11:6
      3. He is to keep himself pure and holy for God, for his wife, and as a good example for his children. His body is for his wife alone. 1 Cor. 7:1-3
      4. He is to think of his family as a privilege and as a blessing sent from God. Accordingly he is to accept the awesome responsibility to lead them in the ways of God. Psa. 127,
          Gen. 33:5
      5. His wife and each of his children should know that He loves God supremely and each of them individually. Psa. 128
      6. He is to guard and protect against ungodly and devilish influences that threaten to enter his home. Heb. 11:7 Deut. 6:7, 2 Corinthians 11:2
B. The godly wife will be respectful and submissive to her husband. 1 Pet. 3:1-6, Proverbs 31:10-31
      1. She will keep herself pure and holy for God, for her husband, and as a good example to her children. Her body is for her husband alone. 1 Cor. 7:1-3
      2. She will be careful to support her husband.
      3. She will not speak evil of him at home or elsewhere.
      4. She will bless and encourage him in his work and Christian walk.
      5. She will organize the affairs within the home and with the children under her husband’s oversight, especially giving direction when her husband is absent. I Timothy 5:13
C. Children are an heritage of the Lord Psa. 127:3
      1. They are to be regarded as one of this life’s highest blessings.
      2. God wants parents to long for children and love them. Psa. 113:9, Prov. 17:6, Matt. 19:14
      3. The world’s teaching is that children are a curse to be avoided. This is not from God. Psa. 127:3-5
      4. Abortion and the “spirit of abortion” (I don’t want this child) are sin before God.
      5. The seed of sin is in the heart of every child and will do evil if left alone. Prov. 22:15
      6. We must train our children to do right. Prov. 22:6, Isa. 28:9
      7. We must administer loving, consistent discipline, never beatings. Spanking, however, is very effective when done without anger. Prov. 13:24, Prov. 19:18
      8. Children are commanded by God to obey their parents. Eph. 6:1, I Tim. 3:4-5, Mark 7:10, Prov. 23:22, Titus 1:6, 2 Tim. 3:14-15

17) The Church
We believe and confess that the church is the body of Christ both locally and worldwide. 1 Cor. 12:27, Eph. 1:23
A. The Church is made up of all true believers from every nation, race, language, and tribe who have responded to the call of salvation with the obedience of faith. John 3:16, Acts 10:34-35, Rom. 10:13, Rev. 5:9, Acts 20:28
B. God has established order for the church.
      1. The Head of the church is Jesus Christ. Eph. 1:22
      2. Local bodies are organized under elders and deacons (evangelists in outreach locations). Titus 1:5
      3. Believers are called to submit to the leaders placed over them. Heb.13:7 &17
C. Elders are responsible to give oversight and direction to the local body.
      1. To be jealous for the purity and honor of Jesus Christ and His church. Heb.13:17
       2. To preach the Gospel faithfully to the saved and lost. II Tim.4:2, 1 Cor. 1:21-23
      3. To feed the flock of God with spiritual food. 1 Pet.5:1-3
      4. To keep their own conscience clear as a good example to the believers. Acts 24:16
      5. To follow the deep humility of our Lord Jesus Christ Who, though He was equal to God, became a servant. Phil. 2:5-8
      6. To oversee baptism, communion, and wedding services.
     7. If at all possible, there should be more than one elder to serve each local body. Titus 1:5, 1 Cor. 14:29-33
D. Deacons
Their primary responsibilities are:
1. To care for the physical needs of the church and her members. Acts 6:1-6
2. To preach, exhort, and teach. Consider Philip & Stephen
3. To assist the elders as needed.
E. Evangelist. 2 Tim. 4:5, Eph. 4:11
An evangelist:
      1. Ministers the gospel in an outreach or foreign place.
      2. Does the work of an elder in a place where the elder cannot be. Acts 8:5-8; Acts 21:8
      3. Is under the eldership of the home church that sent him and supports him. Acts 13:1-2
F.  All brothers should seek to develop their gifts in the brotherhood. 1 Cor. 14:39, Matt. 25:14-30
G. The Bible teaches that church leadership roles need to be filled by brothers rather than sisters. We therefore do not recognize sisters in these roles. We do recognize the role of             leadership that godly, mature sisters play in teaching other women. Titus 2:1-5, I Tim.2:11-12, 1 Cor.14:34-37
H. It is very important that all leaders in the local body learn to work together well, and to honor and love one another as a testimony to the world and an example to the church of the        life-changing power of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 5:3-6, John 13:34-35

18) Christian Ordinances
We believe and confess that the seven Christian ordinances (baptism, communion, feet washing, headship covering, holy kiss, anointing with oil, and marriage) are for all believers everywhere until Jesus comes again. All of these are divine object lessens teaching heavenly truths.
A. Baptism symbolizes dying to sin, being buried with Christ, and rising with Him again. Rom. 6, Col.2:10-12
      1. Baptism should be done in water, if possible, because this best fulfills the type of burial. Romans 6:4
      2. Baptism is to be administered only to repentant believers of responsible age who have testified of their faith. Anyone coming to us with a clear conscience who was baptized as              a believer need not be baptized again. Acts 2:38; I Cor.12:13
      3. We do not accept infant baptism because we believe children are under grace before the age of accountability. Consider Rom. 7:9
      4. Baptism is not salvation, but rather one of the earliest acts of obedience and public commitment in the life of a believer. Rom.5:1, Rom.4:1-11, Luke 23:39-43
      5. We do not have clear direction from the Bible on a particular mode of baptism. Thus we leave it up to the individual’s preference for either of the following:
            a. Immersion: (preferred)

                  – One time backward
                  – Three times forward (known as triune immersion)
           b. We also recognize pouring water over the head, especially in times or places where immersion is impractical.
      6. Baptisms need to be overseen by an elder. Deacons or evangelists may baptize or help with baptizing under the elder’s direction. Who did the baptisms in the New Testament?
      7. Baptism should never be taken lightly. It is of great spiritual importance. Rom.6:1-6, Col.2:12, I Pet.3:21, 22
      8. All wishing to be baptized should be carefully interviewed and taught beforehand. Notice in Matt. 28:19 teaching precedes baptism.
      9. Each of us needs to count the cost of this decision before baptism. Luke.14:26-33, 2 Pet.2:20-22
      10. The church leadership makes the final decision on the preparedness of the baptismal candidate.
      11. Along with baptism comes public renunciation of sin, self, and Satan. It is a 
public testimony to the church and the world of changing allegiances. Acts 8:12, 10:44-48, 11:15-16;             19:18-20
B. Communion symbolizes our participation in the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 11. If we do not have true inward communion with Jesus, the outward symbol will be empty and vain.
      1. Communion must be kept holy.
      2. Only baptized believers may partake.
      3. Those who are in obvious sin are not welcome to participate. 1 Cor. 5:11
      4. We each need to examine our own lives and be sure that our conscience is clear. Each should ask: “Am I at peace with God and my brothers and sisters?” I Cor. 11:27 & 28
      5. If our conscience is not clear, it is good not to take communion until we can clear ourselves. The Lord’s will is to clear our conscience as soon as possible so we can enjoy                     communion with Him again, both in our daily walk, and in the communion service.
      6. Visiting brethren and sisters known and recognized within the brotherhood may be granted the privilege of communing after giving a clear testimony.
      7. Communion is served by elders, or by deacons and evangelists under the direction of an elder. 1 Cor. 11:23-26, Matt. 26:26-28
C. Feet washing symbolizes our deep love for God in practical, humble, lowly service to our fellowmen. John 13:1-16
      1. Brothers wash brothers’ feet and sisters wash sisters’ feet.
      2. Each one washes and is washed by another.
      3. Let us find ways to humbly serve one another daily.
D. Headship covering symbolizes the acceptance of divine order.
      1. God is the head of Christ, Christ is the head of man, and man is the head of the woman. 1 Cor.11:3
       2. Even as Christ is not inferior to God, woman is not inferior to man. 1 Cor. 11:11 – 12
      3. Christ willingly submits to the leadership and authority of God the Father. Woman should also willingly submit to the leadership and authority of man. Eph. 5:22-24
      4. The covering over the hair is a symbol for all time recognized by the angels of heaven and the devils of hell as denoting a woman under authority. 1 Cor.11:5
      5. The headship covering, which should be worn at all times (for we are always before the angels) sends a powerful message to the spirit world and to the physical world.                           1 Cor.11:10.
      6. We do not have any specifics in the Bible of the form the headship veil should take. All the following are acceptable:
            1. Flowing veils
            2. Coif or bonnet type
            3. Head wrap
      7. The veiling should be modest and not adorned. It should conceal the beauty, glory, and attractiveness of a sister’s uncut hair, which is only for her husband.
      8. Men are not to use any symbolic covering. 1 Cor. 11:4 & 7
E. The Holy Kiss symbolizes the deep, pure, love we have or our fellow believers. 1 Cor. 16:20, 2 Cor.13:12, Rom. 16:16, I Pet. 5:14
      1. Brothers greet brothers.
      2. Sisters greet sisters.
      3. Hypocrisy ruins the meaning of the holy kiss. Remember Judas.
F. Anointing with oil symbolizes our faith in God’s healing power. It involves the following:
      1. A call for the elders. Jas. 5:14
      2. Confession of faults one to another. Jas. 5:16
      3. Seeking God’s purpose in allowing sickness.
            a. For His glory through healing John.9:3
            b. Chastisement or a call to repentance. 1 Cor. 11:27-31
            c. Sickness unto death, the greatest healing. Isa. 38:1
      4. The oil is not special or magic. Any kind of oil is acceptable. The act of obedience and the prayer of faith are where the power lies. Jas. 5:15
G. Marriage
We believe and confess that marriage was ordained by God for the blessing and benefit of the human race and for the purity of the family. Marriage makes humans responsible to  behave differently than animals.
      1. What is true marriage? Jesus Christ answered this question in Matt. 19 by calling us back to the purity and simplicity of what God did in the beginning.
      2. Marriage can involve only one man and one woman who publicly commit to love and care for each other till death. Matt. 19:3-12, Gen. 2:23, 24 Marriage is honorable in                          every 
nation, culture, or people, even among the unbelievers, as long as this pattern is followed. Heb. 13:4
      3. Remarriage after divorce, homosexual relationship, incest, and polygamy are not permitted under the new covenant. We do not recognize these situations as true marriage, but
          as sin that must be repented of by those involved in them. These relationships are all uncleanness which is hated by the Lord. Matt. 19:5, 8 Notice how things were in                            the beginning. Mark 10:5-12, Luke 16:18
      4. God’s glorious design is for the Christian marriage to represent a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ and His bride, the church. Eph. 5:22-33
      5. A husband is to love his wife as Christ loves the church. Eph.5:25-33
      6. A wife is to submit to and reverence her husband as the church does to Christ. Eph.5:22-24
      7. Can a marriage be dissolved
            a. False marriage must be dissolved
            b. True marriage between two eligible partners is dissolved only by the death of one of those partners. 1 Cor. 7:10-11, 39, Rom.7:2
            c. No one has the authority to dissolve marriage but God. “What God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” Mark 10:9
     8. How is a marriage established?
            a. Courtship I Thes.5:22; Eph.5:3; Col.3:5-6
            b. Every brotherhood should help its members maintain sexual purity and holiness at all times.
            c. During courtship, young men and women shall be encouraged in every practical way to flee youthful lust, impure habits, fornication, and all appearance of evil for the glory of
                Jesus Christ. Rom.13:14, 1 Cor. 7:1- 2, Gal.5:16, Acts 15:20, 1 Cor. 6:13- 20

The Christian Wedding
We recognize that various cultures require many different things for a Christian wedding, but God requires only:
A. A man who has never been married or is a widower.
B. A woman who has never been married or is a widow. I Cor.7:39
C. That both of them be true believers. 1 Cor. 6:14-18; Ex.34:10-16; Duet.7:3 – 4
D. That they enter into a covenant with each other and God publicly.
E. That they vow to love, honor, and be faithful till death parts them. Gen. 2:23, 24. Consider what  Adam was saying. What public commitments did he make? We encourage all                 believers to:
            1. Avoid being pressured into a worldly mindset of extravagance in the wedding ceremony and feast. Gospel simplicity applies in everything. I Pet.1:14-15, II Cor. 1:12,                                1 Tim.2:9, I Pet.3:2-3
            2. The wedding is a worship service with the ministry in charge and should focus the glory on Christ rather than on the bride. 1 Cor. 10:31 Notice Rev.19:1-9
            3. The wedding is an occasion of great joy. However, pagan customs or foolishness do not honor Christ and should be avoided so as to maintain the seriousness                                         and sacredness of the day. Rom.13:13-14, Eph.5:1 & 2, 7&11

19) The Brotherhood
We believe and confess that the Bible gives much specific direction to the brotherhood and its conduct.
A. Discipline – When we see inconsistencies, concerns, questionable behavior, or sin:
      1. We are called to speak to each other privately, not to others, following the pattern found in Matt. 18:15-17; Matt.5:21-24 2. The brotherhood is to administer loving
discipline in the attitude of restoration and with the goal of reconciliation. 2 Tim. 4:2 1 Cor. 5, 2 Cor.2:5-11, Gal.6:1 

B. Support
      1. We are to bear one another’s burdens, helping each other physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Gal.6:2, Eph.2:19, I Pet.3:8, Rom.15:1-3
      2. We must seek to build each other up in the faith. Rom.5:14; Rom.14:19
      3. We will work together to meet the needs of others. Rom.5:25-27
      4. We need to focus on the love of Jesus Christ that forbids gossip, slander, cursing, and backbiting. Rom.1:29 & 30, Rom.14:13, II Thes.3:11-12, I Tim.5:13
      5. We are admonished to love the brotherhood. I Pet.1:22; I Pet.2:17
C. Submission
      1. We are called to live in humble submission to one another. Rom.15:5-7
      2. We are called to submit to our leaders in the brotherhood. Philippians 4:9 Heb.13:7,17, I Cor.11:1& 2; I Cor. 4:17; Titus 1:5
      3. We are called to obey earthly government, employers, and family leaders when we do not have to disobey Christ Jesus in order to do so. I Pet.2:13-15, Titus 2:9-10, 1 Tim.6:1-3,           Acts 4:19-20
      4. Our genuine love and humble, submissive lives are our greatest testimony to a lost world. I Pet.3:12-18, John.13:35, I Pet.1:22, John.15:13, I John.3:16, John 14:23

20) Conclusion
We acknowledge that as humans we know in part and understand in part. When our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ shall appear, we shall know as we are known. (I Cor.13:12) We, the Brotherhood of Harmony Christian Fellowship, do humbly submit this confession of faith, not as a book of human rules, but as a statement of what is generally believed and practiced among us as God’s Will. In our humanity and frailty we sometimes do not measure up to our own ideals, but we are seeking the grace of God to live in such a way as to glorify the LORD JESUS, who loved us and gave his life for us. We encourage all sincere seekers of truth to study the words we have shared in light of God’s Word.